Thursday 25 September 2014

Middleton's Age of Enlightenment Film

AN Age of the Enlightenment film is to be première on Tuesday, September 30th, at Long Street Methodist Church in Middleton.  It has sprung from an idea by local film-maker Anthony Dolan, and is funded with a grant of £1,975,800 from the local Council and the Edgar Wood and Middleton Townscape Initiative.

Mr. Dolan got together with other volunteers to examine Middleton's Enlightenment past in the 18th and early 19th Centuries.  Middleton is fortunate in its local architecture especially some of its Churches.

Besides the botanist, George Caley (1770-1829) the film examines the life of local hero Samuel Bamford (1788-1972), poet, writer, and social campaigner who took part in what became known as the Peterloo Massacre in August 1919.

The public's imagination was stired by Shelley's Mask of Anarchy poem about the Massacre.

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